With their comprehensive design relaunch last year, we set the course for the future of the Hamburg public transport association hvv. Based on the new claim “Und was bewegt dich?” (translates to “What is it that moves you?”), the hvv, as the backbone of local public transport, is addressing the big mobility questions of our time: How can people’s different lifestyles and their different needs be brought together in the common goal of a comprehensive transport turnaround? Which behaviors would have to be changed, which basic conditions would have to be created? In short: What is the best way to achieve this turnaround together?
Society and we as individuals are just beginning to rethink mobility, to learn from others and to associate alternative forms of mobility with something like a new lifestyle and comfort. In order to bring the attractiveness of public mobility further into the collective consciousness and to help it achieve a new image, new formats and concepts are needed that heave the mobility revolution out of the expert circles and into real life.
Our journey is our reward. We not only want to enable new perspectives on tomorrow’s mobility solutions, but also progressively highlight the attractiveness of public transport. To do this, we stay close to the lived everyday life of our society – we feel the pulse of the times of a social cultural turnaround that must overcome decades of car-first socialization and completely reinvent itself. Think about it: What is it that moves you?
Let’s drive mobility!
So, we decided to come up with an entertaining yet informative content format named “Your Turn”, in which bestselling author, blogger and mobility-turnaround expert Katja Diehl takes people on a stroll, bike or train ride through the city of Hamburg and its metropolitan region. Episode by episode, Katja learns all about individual routes, habits and her guests’ personal drive and motivation to use public transport in their everyday life. We’ve portrayed local heroes and heroines from completely different backgrounds, in the most diverse phases of life and, above all, on the road with their designated means of transport. From your next-door neighbor to the city-famous influencer to the internationally renowned artist, from the folding-bike rider to the family-cargo biker to the self-declared all-round user. With “Your Turn” we built a broad-based moving image offensive and a new boost for the image of public mobility. Are you in for another step on the way to Hamburg’s future-forward mobility turnaround?