Corporate Design
Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben
Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben (translates to “German Foundation for Living with Music“) has made it its mission to accompany and further young, highly talented musicians on their way to a professional career. The anniversary concert at Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie to mark the 60th anniversary of the passionate music promotion served as a welcome occasion for a comprehensive relaunch of the corporate design.
As the name suggests, the foundation revolves around music and the promotion of those who help bring it to life. In order to boost its appearance and rocket-launch the foundation into the 21st century, we’ve developed a new word and figurative mark, which in their interplay form a strong and recognisable translation of the elements “music” and “liveliness”.
In analogy to the visual language of a musical score, the logo represents a sheet of notes. Its body colour red associates passion, tension and self-confidence. The extensive reinvention of the corporate design was followed by the implementation at all important brand touchpoints from social media to stationery and offline advertising material as well as a complete relaunch of the foundation’s corporate website.